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The Glue Procedure is Becoming Popular for Its Effectiveness

The glue procedure has brought a revolution in the treatment of varicose veins. It is affordable and has multiple benefits. In this procedure, a medical glue is used to seal the damaged vessels permanently. This glue treatment is completely safe and secure.

Before learning more about this treatment procedure, let us know what varicose veins are.

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are the swollen, enlarged and twisted veins under the skin of the legs or other parts of the body. This medical condition happens due to damaged or faulty valves that lead blood to travel in the wrong direction. If you have varicose veins, you might experience swelling, discomfort and unbearable pain in the affected area. Initially, they can be visible as a cosmetic issue but gradually, they become a medical concern.

The History of Varicose Veins Treatment:

In the past 15 years, the treatment for varicose veins has changed significantly. Earlier, the treatment procedure was quite painful but nowadays, with the help of the latest technology, it has become possible to use the minimally invasive technique to treat this condition. With the help of this technology, it has become possible to remove the varicose veins with a surgery without any cut or scar.

It is said that if you have a stripping, there is a chance that you will develop the varicose veins within five years. Approx 20% people, using stripping, might develop the condition in future. But, if you use the glue procedure, the risk becomes 5%.

The Glue Treatment:

The glue treatment is called VenaSeal. In this treatment procedure, a medical adhesive is injected into the diseased veins by using a small catheter in the leg.

The treatment process is performed by using an ultrasound that guides the catheter and delivers the glue in the affected place. This process is called cyanoacrylate.

According to a study, published in Journal of Vascular Surgery, the treatment procedure is highly safe and effective. They drew their opinion about the safety and effectiveness of the treatment after observing the patients for 36 months.

The success rate in the 36 months was 94.7%.

After the treatment is done, the veins get blocked over time and the human body reabsorbs the glue and the vein without leaving any damage to the skin. If you are worried what would happen if the damaged veins disappear, then let me tell you that nothing would happen since the damaged veins are nothing but a spare part. The reason these veins exist is, they are basically a heat control mechanism, so if you get excessively hot, the blood flow will be diverted into the superficial veins.

Because of its effectiveness, the glue treatment is frequently used in the bypass surgery.

Why is glue procedure more recommended the other minimally invasive processes?

There is no denying the fact that the minimally invasive treatment procedure, like radiofrequency or laser, is effective, but the latest invention is better than these treatment procedures. In case of glue procedure, there is zero risk of nerve damage and the best part is, there will not be any burn-mark on the skin.

The procedure might cost approx $2000, but with a health insurance, you can claim up to $450.

This treatment procedure has the potential to treat DVT. It is a quick procedure and you can stand on your feet within a day.

Dr. Chane

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