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Spider Veins – Risk Factors & Common Symptoms

Spider veins, though not a serious health condition, but has certain risk factors and painful symptoms. Read this article to know more about it.

Spider veins are akin to varicose veins, but are smaller in appearance and nearer to the surface of your skin. They are red or bluish in color and look like spider webs or tree branches with small, uneven lines. This condition normally develops in your legs and is visible on a small or quite large area of the human skin.

Women develop this condition more than men and in the US; approximately 50 to 55 percent of women suffer from spider veins. It affects people who are 50 years and above.

Spider Veins Normally Manifest Themselves on Legs – Why

Nine times out of ten, this condition develops normally in your legs due to the following reasons:

What are the Risk Factors?

There are several factors that account for the development of spider veins. They are:

Your Medical Record: Individuals who are born with delicate vein valves are more vulnerable to developing spider veins. Hereditary reasons, i.e. if any of your family members already suffers, then you are at risk too.

Increasing Age: As people come of age, especially women, their vein valves tend to become weaker and stop functioning properly. As you age, there is more wear and tear and the vein valves are affected. With constant wear and tear, the valves let some amount of blood flow into the veins. Here a pool of blood accumulates instead of flowing back to the heart.

Obesity: If you are obese or gained excess weight, it results in excessive pressure on the veins. This leads to spider veins.

Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, puberty, and even during the menopausal phase in women. Women who take birth control pills and similar medicines having progesterone or estrogen may develop this ailment.

Pregnancy: In pregnant women, there is a considerable increase in blood in their body. Often, it results in the enlargement of veins and the growing uterus also exerts pressure on a woman’s veins. Spider veins generally weaken after a few months after delivery. However, this condition may develop again with each future pregnancy.

Lack of Movement: Sitting or standing for a long period of time exerts more pressure on your leg veins.

Exposure to Sun: People who do a lot of field work like sales professionals, are exposed to the scorching heat of the sun. They may develop spider veins on their cheeks.

The Symptoms

Though it is not a serious health concern, but you may develop painful symptoms in your legs. The common symptoms include a sensation of burning or itching. The other common symptoms are:

So, if you are facing any of the spider veins risk factors or experiencing painful symptoms, get in touch with a certified and experienced physician near you.

Dr. Chane

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