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Spider Vein Treatment in Huntington Beach

Are you one of those people who suffer from purple or red blood vessels scrawling all across the legs? These dilated blood capillaries are commonly known as spider veins, a condition which is caused due to various factors like advancing age, overweight, hormonal changes (due to puberty, pregnancy, and menopause), genetic factor, and such other things. Some individuals also get these veins due to prolonged sitting or standing or overexposure to the sun. Though most people try to find spider vein treatment in Huntington Beachfor cosmetic reasons, if left untreated for a long time, these veins could result in itching, pain, and skin ulcer. These superficial leg veins, congregated below the surface of the skin got their name from the shape of the visible veins. Apart from the calves, these appear on ankles and thighs as well.

The procedure starts with when the doctor applies a topical anesthetic cream in order to decrease the comfort. Nowadays, most patients are advised to opt for laser treatments, which involve minimal pain. The laser pulses are delivered to the treatment area, and a slight tingling sensation might be felt on the skin. The treatment takes around 30 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on the number and type of spider veins that need to be treated.

You should maintain certain things so that this condition does not recur again. Some things you need to prevent are –

• Standing or sitting for long periods
• Wearing high-heeled shoes because the heels put extra pressure on the legs, thus restricting the blood to flow from the heart to the lungs – as a result of this limited circulation, spider veins may re-appear
• Crossing your legs while sitting down, as poor blood flow causes the vein walls to weaken and the condition may appear again
• Keeping your feet all the time you are sitting down – you need to raise your feet as it improves the blood circulation and helps to regulate the blood flowing through the veins, thus reducing the calves and the ankles, diminishing the risk of spider veins
• Not using sunscreen crème or lotion on the skin – sunscreen lotion or crème always protects your body and prevents spider veins from re-appearing on your ankles, calves, and legs
• Not wearing compression stockings or support tights – these need to be worn regularly as they help to stimulate the blood vessels and improve circulation
• Doing strenuous exercise

There are quite a few clinics and experienced doctors that offer vein treatment in Huntington Beach. You should visit one and get detailed advice regarding your treatment.

Dr. Chane

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