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Say Good Bye to Varicose Veins in a Natural Way

We understand those blue and red twisted veins in your leg do not give you any pleasure. In fact, it is the reason for irritation, and sometimes, they can be a painful experience for people. This can happen due to poor blood flow and abnormal blood circulation. These veins are termed varicose veins.

The good news is, they can be cured and you can get rid of this medical condition by following some natural ways. By following the natural ways, you can save yourself from more complicated treatment options and surgery.

Below are discussed a few natural ways by following which you can say goodbye to varicose veins without going through any complex treatment option.

Exercise on a regular basis:

Exercise is the key to maintain good health. Regular exercise helps you to lose weight. When you lose your excess weight, it automatically lessens the pressure on your lower body parts, especially the legs. you can include walking, jogging, running or swimming to your regular exercise chart to stay healthy and stay away from the varicose veins.

Avoid standing or sitting for a longer period of time:

In case your job requires you to stand or sit for a longer period of time, you have to find some time for short breaks in the regular intervals. This will help your blood to circulate. Standing or sitting for a longer period of time not only causes varicose veins but also leads you to cardiovascular diseases.

Maintain a healthy diet:

Try to eat food that is rich in fiber and high-antioxidant. The rich in fiber food improves blood flow, and thus, treats the symptoms of varicose veins and prevents it from developing further. Keep the processed food away from your diet list.

Wear flat shoes:

Wearing flat shoes help your calf muscles to work actively and maintain blood circulation. Always buy shoes that are comfortable and do not strain your calf muscles. Wearing high heels can make your condition worse since heels give a strain to your calf muscles.

Elevate your legs:

While resting, elevate your legs so that your blood circulation becomes normal. Doctors recommend elevating your legs approx 6 to 12 inches above your heart while resting.

Apple cider vinegar:

This is true that apple cider vinegar cannot cure varicose veins but it can improve blood circulation and ease your pain, cramps, tingling, heaviness, swelling and itchiness.

The natural remedies work if your varicose veins are at the initial stage. If you see the natural remedies are not relieving your pain, don’t forget to make an appointment with a doctor to get the right treatment for the varicose veins.

Dr. Chane

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