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How to Deal with Heart Attacks: A Complete Guide

Every year, millions of Americans experience heart attacks or myocardial infarction. The heart attack causes a permanent damage to the heart muscle. Myocardial infarction refers to the damage to heart muscles where myo refers to muscles, cardial means heart and infarction refers to the death of tissue in your heart due to the lack of blood supply.

People often get panicked of the term “heart attack”. This is true that heart attack is a life-threatening medical condition but one should always stay cool if any of his/her loving ones experience the same. Below are discussed a complete guide how to deal with the heart attack.

How to Recognize Heart Attack:

You can recognize heart attack by its symptoms. The symptoms of heart attack include

a) Chest pain, feeling of discomfort and heaviness or the pain in the arm or below the breastbone.

b) A feeling of choking, fullness or indigestion. You may also experience a feeling of heartburn

c) Vomiting, sweating, nausea or dizziness

d) Irregular heartbeats and difficulty in breathing

e) Extreme weakness and anxiety

The symptoms of the heart attacks last for 30 minutes or longer. However, people also experience a silent heart attack or silent myocardial infarction. It is even more dangerous since the victim does not understand that s/he is experiencing a heart attack. The silent heart attack is more common in the diabetic patients.

What to do When You Have a Heart Attack:

If you have a heart attack, you need to take the quick treatment action. When you find the first sign of heart attack, call the cardiologists Orange Country to treat your condition. It is always recommended to treat heart attacks within one to two hours of finding the first sign of it. Waiting longer minimizes your chance of survival. The cardiologists Orange Country can treat you only if you reach for the treatment on time.

If you have heart disease warning signs, then also you should seek medical help on an emergency basis.

How to Diagnose Heart Attack:

In order to diagnose a heart attack, the cardiologists Orange Country or the emergency care team asks a few questions and start evaluating you. Depending on the symptoms and the test results, the diagnosis of the heart attack is determined. The treatment is started as soon as possible to stop your heart muscle from being damaged.

The cardiologists Orange Country do several tests to diagnose the condition including:

1. Blood test

2. ECG

3. Echocardiography

4. Cardiac catheterization

How to Treat Heart Attack:

Once the cardiologists diagnose it, they start the treatment immediately. Drugs or surgical procedures might be required to treat this medical condition.

How to Prevent Future Heart Attacks:

If you have already experienced a heart attack, chances are there you will experience it for the second time too. Therefore, you need to keep your heart healthy to minimize the risk of experiencing another heart attack. The best way to prevent any future attack is, take your medications on time, change your lifestyle, quit smoking if you do and do routine heart checkups.

There is no denying the fact that prevention is always better than cure. Stay healthy and live a healthy lifestyle to prevent any heart disease.

Dr. Chane

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