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Do You Have Varicose Veins? Make Sure You Are Not Ignoring Them

Are you still wearing full pants in this summer instead of your favorite shorts? Then, the reason might be you are not confident enough to disclose your varicose veins in public. If this is the reason, then let me tell you varicose veins are not a condition to hide, instead, you need the right treatment option to get rid of this medical condition. The good news is, the treatment for varicose veins and spider veins are possible and it is now much easier than it was in the past.

Before going into any detail, let us know what varicose veins are –

If the veins are varicose, they lose their power to circulate blood, instead, the faulty valves allow blood to pool in the leg. In this situation, the veins become swollen and twisted. Because of this pressure, you can suffer from several skin damage issues including swelling, eczematous rashes, ulcers and discoloration of the skin. The more common symptoms of varicose veins are a feeling of heaviness, tiredness, restlessness and aching.

Why do people suffer from this medical condition?

Humans are the only living being who suffer from this medical condition. There are a number of reasons that lead people to experience this medical condition. Some of the reasons of varicose veins are –

You can prevent spider veins or varicose veins unless they are in your family history.

How to take care of your varicose veins?

At first, you have to be confirmed that you have varicose veins by consulting a doctor. The doctor will do the assessment by the ultrasound of the legs. Then, you have to do a clinical examination by a vascular surgeon. Remember, investigating the right reason for varicose veins is highly important. Once you diagnose the condition and the severity of it, you can start the treatment.

What treatment option should I choose?

Your treatment option is determined depending on the severity of the spider veins. Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment option that can be applied to damage the faulty veins and improve the blood circulation. Laser ablation therapy and radiofrequency laser ablation therapy are also effective treatment options. If the varicose veins are in the extremely serious condition, high ligation and vein stripping and ambulatory phlebectomy surgery options are applied to the patient.

Are there any latest treatment option available for varicose veins?

With the advancement of technology, medical science is also getting improved day by day. Foam sclerotherapy and glue treatment are the two latest treatment options available nowadays.

What about varicose ulcers?

If the varicose veins are left untreated, the varicose veins turn into varicose ulcers. In case of varicose ulcers, only the surgical treatment option is left for the patient. After the surgery, it needs weeks of medical dressings and tight-bandaging to treat this medical condition.

Want to learn more?

If you want to learn more or want to get the most effective treatment for varicose veins, get in touch with us today.

Dr. Chane

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