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4 Sneaky Signs of Poor Circulation

4 Sneaky Signs of Poor Circulation

If you don’t know what to look for, the signs of poor circulation are easy to overlook. Your circulatory system is responsible for delivering oxygen-rich blood and nutrients throughout your body, and when it’s not functioning optimally, it can lead to various health issues. 

The team at CA Heart and Vein Specialists is dedicated to helping patients maintain vascular health. Recognizing the early signs of circulation problems can help you seek timely treatment and prevent more serious issues. 

At our cardiovascular health care center, our team, led by Majed Chane, MD, is dedicated to diagnosing and treating circulatory issues with a patient-centered approach. Let’s dive into some of the more subtle signs that may suggest your circulation isn’t at its best. 

1. Cold hands and feet

When your blood flow is restricted, it becomes difficult for your body to maintain a consistent temperature, leading to cold hands and feet. While environmental factors, such as exposure to cold weather, can cause you to feel chilly, cold extremities can also be a sign of underlying circulatory problems. 

If you find that your hands and feet are often cold even in warm environments, it might be time to consult Dr. Chane for an evaluation.

2. Numbness and tingling

While it’s normal to experience temporary numbness when sitting in one position for too long, consistent or unexplained numbness requires professional evaluation. 

A tingling feeling is a common sign of weak circulation. This sensation, often described as “pins and needles,” happens when inadequate blood flow affects nerve function. Our clinical team can help identify the cause of your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan to improve your circulation and overall health.

3. Swelling in the lower extremities

It’s important to pay attention if you notice that your legs, ankles, or feet feel swollen. When blood flow is compromised, fluid can accumulate in your tissues, causing leg swelling and discomfort. This is more noticeable after long periods of standing or a day of walking around. 

Swelling may also be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness or tightness in the affected area. Our team is experienced in diagnosing and treating conditions like varicose veins and leg ulcers, which can contribute to poor circulation and swelling.

4. Fatigue and lack of energy

Good circulation plays a role in providing your tissues with oxygen and nutrients. When circulation is weak, your body doesn’t get adequate oxygen, and fatigue is a common result. If it feels as though your body is heavy, and that you’re slogging through the day, it’s time to look into things further.

Our team of health care professionals can assess your symptoms and provide guidance on managing your energy levels through lifestyle changes and medical interventions.

Take action for better circulation

If you recognize any of these sneaky signs of poor circulation, it’s essential to take action and seek professional care. Detecting potential issues early can reduce the chances of developing serious complications and can improve your quality of life. 

Our cardiovascular center is committed to providing world-class care through the use of cutting-edge technology and a compassionate, holistic approach to wellness. Contact us today to learn more and to get set up with a consultation with our experienced team. Take the first step toward better circulation and a healthier life.

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